About severe allergic reactions

About severe allergic reactions

About severe
allergic reactions

A severe allergic reaction, also known as anaphylaxis, occurs in some people when they are exposed to a usually harmless substance, called an allergy trigger.

Common severe
allergy triggers

The body overreacts to allergy triggers and releases chemicals to protect itself. In severe cases, this reaction produces life-threatening symptoms.

What are allergies?

Anyone who has ever experienced an allergic reaction or anaphylaxis in the past is at higher risk of having a severe allergic reaction in the future. Your risk is also higher if you have asthma or if you have allergies specific to food products.

You are not alone. It is estimated that over 3 million Canadians, or about 1 in every 13 people, have food allergies.

Severe allergic reactions
are unpredictable.

The severity of previous reactions cannot predict the severity of future reactions. The severity may depend on the degree of sensitivity, the dose of allergen, and other factors.

Severe allergic reactions can be unpredictable, but you can be prepared by carrying EpiPen® with you at all times.

What the medication is used for.

EpiPen® is indicated for the emergency treatment of anaphylaxis and is intended for people determined to be at risk for serious allergic reactions and for people with a history of anaphylactic reactions.

EpiPen® should be used immediately to treat yourself or your child when experiencing a severe allergic reaction. This is emergency treatment. It does not replace seeing a doctor or going to the hospital.

Learn more in the
EpiPen® video gallery.